Time Flies
With the best of intentions we had planned to keep you better informed about the latest activities at
the Clover Cliff Ranch Bed and Breakfast. Although we may have neglected sharing news, we haven't
neglected providing guests with memorable visits to the Flint Hills in Chase County Kansas.
Because we don't want you to miss knowing about important events, we're doing a quick overview
of the last few months.
- The Valentine Dinner - A Night to Remember - was another hit with our sold-out crowd. Several
guests commented that we had exceeded their expectations and made reservations for next year
before leaving. Check our Facebook page for photos from February 13.
- The Cabin is up and running. It's a favorite spot for a variety of guests, including some who
have business in the area and want to return to its home-like feeling while they're on the road.
- When you drive by or come to visit, you will notice rows of new trees lining the fences along the
driveway. Their white blossoms were quite spectacular earlier in the spring.
- Rosie and Roxie, our favorite black Percherons, are currently in time out - away from the lights
on the fence that they managed to destroy. We don't know if they were playing a game of soccer or
creating a new game that we haven't yet heard about. In any case, after our favorite welder finishes
building protection around the lights, Rosie and Roxie will be back to greet guests entering the driveway.
- We hosted our third Wounded Warrior turkey-hunting event. Each veteran was successful, with the help
of a guide. The dedication of these brave souls who served to protect all of us is more than inspiring.
We're looking forward to more opportunities coming soon. Here are a few.
- Three couples are planning weddings at the Clover Cliff. We always enjoy sharing this beautiful setting
for such happy occasions.
- We're giving the patio off of the veranda a fresh look. It's getting a little tired and we want guests to have
another comfortable place to relax in the fresh air, watching a sunset or looking at stars.
- Look for updated options in both the "Area Attractions" and "Restaurants" links on this website.
- And now for the best news of all ... (Shh, don't tell!). We're well along with plans to build a small pavilion and meeting
space with room for 50-100 folks to gather. Some of our business guests have requested a place for companies to do
strategic planning, team building and a variety of other activities. A small commercial kitchen and technology are included
in the plans. We'll keep you informed as soon as we can.