Directions to Clover Cliff Ranch B&B
Conveniently located off U.S. Highway 50 near Elmdale, Kansas between mile markers 316 and 317. Click the directions link on the map to get directions from your location.
Clover Cliff Ranch Bed & Breakfast is located at:
826A US Highway 50
Elmdale, KS 66850
Phone: (620) 343-0621
Latitude: 38.329366
Longitude: -96.694751
Approximate Drive Time:
1 hour, 15 minutes northeast of Wichita, KS
1 hour, 25 minutes southwest of Topeka, KS
30 minutes west of Emporia, KS
40 minutes northeast of Newton, KS
1 hour east of McPherson, KS
2 hours southwest of Kansas City metropolitan area