The Latest News
You knew we were building a pavilion. We're still building, almost ready for finishing touches. When
the construction crews leave and landscaping is in place, we'll show you. The fact that we have
7 weddings scheduled over the next year may not be the only reason to move quickly, but it's
definitely on our minds.
We're happy to announce a new opportunity at the Clover Cliff Ranch Bed and Breakfast that
doesn't involve construction. Kim Coslett, a licensed Skincare Specialist and certified makeup artist,
has agreed to dedicate one day a month to take appointments and provide services at the Clover Cliff.
In addition, she is available by appointment for retreats and other group gatherings. At the moment,
she's setting up in the Main House office. When the pavilion is completely finished, you'll find her in a
more ideal location there.
Kim shared the following information from her bio that we thought you might find interesting,
and maybe even be motivated to make an appointment on her next visit.
She believes that having healthy beautiful skin should be a priority. Her focus is to not only treat skin
concerns, but to educate her clients with information to keep their skin healthy and beautiful.
Kim is also an LPN who focuses her studies on skin health, holistic medicine and women's
health issues.
Kim is a certified Reiki Practitioner. Reiki is an ancient Japanese technique using light touch to help
promote stress reduction and relaxation.
Whether it's treating skin concerns, providing education or helping clients to ease stress through Reiki,
Kim considers it an honor to provide these services to each and every client.
Call for information until we have a dedicated spot on our website for quicker access to appointment times.