It Was A Parade
For 79 years, Chase County has enjoyed hosting the Flint Hills Rodeo in Strong City, Kansas. Rodeo
fans block their schedules to be here the first weekend every June. The festivities always include a
Saturday afternoon parade.
What was different this year was that Clover Cliff Ranch Bed and Breakfast had the honor and
privilege of escorting Jimmie Barr - 90 years young and the parade's Grand Marshal. Fans along
the route from Cottonwood Falls to Strong City waved at Jimmie riding on the Clover Cliff wagon
beside Spencer Harshman, who held reins connected to Rosie and Roxie - the wagon's horsepower.
Spencer's daughters rode in the back of the wagon, throwing candy to children who were delighted to
catch and hang on to as much sugar as possible. We're pretty sure that all dentists were looking in a
different direction!
This year was especially busy at the Clover Cliff B&B because Dirty Kanza, the 200-mile gravel
endurance race, was happening the same weekend. Several of the 1000 riders in this year's event
shared space with guests who came for the rodeo. They didn't share breakfast however, because
the bicycle riders left at 4:30 a.m. carrying breakfast in to-go bags.
There's no time to be bored because next weekend we'll be welcoming guests who are here for
Symphony in the Flint Hills. Let your imagination cover the contrast between and among rodeo fans,
serious bicycle riders and music lovers. We love hosting them all and do our best to make their visit
both memorable and enjoyable.